Kids Closets
Children are not always known for being the neatest or tidiest members of the household. First, they’re still learning the skills they’ll use later for keeping their own homes clean, and second, many of the products they have in their closets might not be designed for kids. Smart Spaces can design, build, and install an adjustable closet in your child’s bedroom, using the same process as we use with the other closets in your home! Once your kids’ closets are set up to be easy to use, you’ll be able to work with your child as he or she learns valuable organizational skills.
Closets to Grow with Your Child
One of the best features of our kids’ closets is their adjustability! Building a closet now for your toddler will allow for many years’ worth of use, as the configuration can be changed as your child approaches their teen years. After you have an empty nest, you’ll be able to use the space for your own belongings, or, if you decide to sell the house, a custom closet in your child’s bedroom can raise the value of your home. It’s a long-term, win-win situation for everyone!
Reduce Kid’s Clutter
Some of the kids’ closet organizers we can install include:
- Baskets and bins for hair accessories and various treasures
- Hooks for backpacks and sweatshirts
- Kid-friendly colors and themes
- Larger organizers for stuffed animals
- Low hanging rods
- Shelves and drawers at a kid-friendly level